Friday, May 02, 2008

The Sartorial Selecta

One of my favorite columns, which happens to appear in GQ, is by longtime fashion observer Scott Schuman. He gives men advice on how to dress, how to behave, and generally anything related to taste, comportment and style. He doesn't delve into unfamiliar territory, but keeps his focus on the classic and long standing traditions of proper dress. Reading Schuman is like picking up an etiquette book from the 50s. He preaches sartorial convention that has endured through cultural fads and fleeting trends. Knowing this and understanding where Schuman is coming from, it's easy to appreciate his keen and refined eye. And there's something very real and accessible about his writing. It's authoritative and convincing without coming across as pretentious or condescending -- and when it comes to something as arbitrary and debatable as fashion, this is no small achievement. Anyway, I was surfing the web looking for some coverage of Australian Fashion Week, which just ended today. But when I came across The Sartorialist blog I hardly remembered what I was looking for in the first place. And yes, that's Wes Anderson in the corduroy. Although before my distraction, I did find this great suit by James Cameron from his show today in Sydney. When appropriate, I'm a big fan of no socks with suits (final image).

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