Friday, September 01, 2006

Magic Fashion and Apparel Show in Las Vegas

Hit the Magic Show for a day. Lots of apparel to check out, new lines, fashion shows, parties later that night, blah blah blah.

Jonas, center, co-owner of L-R-G.

Alyssa Milano and what appeared to be a shitty new line. I might add her ass looked markedly flat in those jeans.

Russell Lee representing the Dim Mak Collection

And Russell Simmons representing the Phat Farm line. The line has about as much style as the hoochies flanking his side.

There are two conditions in which Moby will play a show. One is for charity and the other is for a very large sum of money. This night was put on by The New York Times Style Magazine to raise money for the Los Angeles Children's Hospital. Open bar, expensive catering, trendy club, international headlining star? Sounds more like an excuse for the rich to party than it does an authentic charitable event. Yes, cougars were on the prowl.

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